Category Archives: Art Whisperer

Musings for August, 2015

Car­ole, if the mar­ket is made up of art ‘pol­lu­tion’, then why wor­ry if it becomes worth­less? It is not the art that mat­ters, any­way. I have a ques­tion though: could you please give exam­ples of con­tem­po­rary art that you … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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We have removed the name of the artist, on the first paint­ing below. I hes­i­tate to crit­i­cize any artist, as I do not want any sin­cere artist to feel rejec­tion, or neg­a­tive crit­i­cism of his or her work. Every artist … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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An Icon for your city? An Icon for San Diego?

There are some very fine, dis­tin­guished gen­tle­men, try­ing to do a good thing for San Diego. When I attend­ed their recent talk, they empha­sized that San Diego need­ed an “Icon­ic” sym­bol, that would rep­re­sent our city, in the way the … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Posted in Art Whisperer | 3 Comments

Is Art all over?

Every day I receive a “pile” of e mails from var­i­ous art news let­ters, mag­a­zines, gal­leries, artists, and art con­sul­tants. I see the same kinds of art every­where. I see the same art that I’ve been look­ing at for decades. … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Posted in Art Whisperer | 2 Comments


Yes­ter­day I had the plea­sure of shar­ing an after­noon with one of the most gra­cious, Super Achiev­er, Artists, of our time: Martha Lon­ge­neck­er. Martha start­ed out as a painter, and back in the ’50s became enam­ored with Pot­tery and Ceram­ics. … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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I had din­ner tonight with an accom­plished Archi­tect in our city.  He is FAIA, and well respect­ed in this com­mu­ni­ty of one mil­lion peo­ple.  I was sur­prised to hear him say that at this end of his life, (he is … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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